The Best Hashtags for Music Artists and Bands 2023

by Amy Chase

April 05, 2023

As a music artist or band, getting your music out to the world is no easy feat. With so many artists trying to get noticed, it’s important to use every tool you have to get your work out there. One such tool is the humble hashtag. Hashtags can help you reach new fans, increase your visibility, and connect with other musicians and industry professionals.

In this article, we’ll explore the best hashtags for music artists and bands in 2023. We’ll cover everything from finding relevant hashtags for your genre and style to tracking the performance of your hashtags. So if you’re ready to take your music to the next level, read on!

What are the best music hashtags for promotion and exposure?

When it comes to using hashtags for promotion and exposure, the key is to strike a balance between popularity and specificity. You want to use hashtags that are popular enough to reach a broad audience but not so popular that your posts get lost in the sea of other content.

Some of the best hashtags for music promotion and exposure are #music, #newmusic, #indiemusic, #unsignedartist, and #musician. These hashtags are widely used by music fans and industry professionals alike, making them an excellent way to get your music in front of a larger audience.

But it’s also important to use hashtags that are more specific to your style and genre. For example, if you’re a hip-hop artist, you might use hashtags like #hiphopmusic, #rap, or #trapmusic to connect with fans who are specifically interested in that genre.

Quick Breakdown of Relevant Hashtags

#newmusic – Use this hashtag to promote your latest releases and give fans a glimpse of what’s to come.

#musicmonday – It is a popular hashtag among music fans and is a great way to get your music in front of a larger audience on Mondays.

#livemusic – Use this hashtag to promote your upcoming shows and give fans a taste of what they can expect when they see you perform.

#indiemusic – If you’re an independent artist or band, use this hashtag to connect with other indie musicians and promote your music to a niche audience.

#singersongwriter – If you’re a solo artist or songwriter, use this hashtag to connect with other singer-songwriters and promote your music to a specific audience.

#musicproducer – If you’re a producer, use this hashtag to connect with other producers and share your music production tips and techniques.

#bands – As a band member, use this hashtag to connect with other bands and promote your music to a larger audience.

#albumrelease – Use this hashtag to promote your upcoming album releases and give fans a sneak peek of what’s to come.

#concert – Use this hashtag to promote your upcoming concerts and give fans a glimpse of what to expect.

#musicfestival – Use this hashtag to promote your upcoming music festival and give fans a taste of what to expect.

How can I find hashtags that are relevant to my genre and style?

Finding relevant hashtags for your genre and style can be a bit of a challenge, but it’s essential if you want to reach your target audience. One way to find relevant hashtags is to look at what other artists in your genre are using. You can also search for hashtags related to your genre on social media platforms like Instagram or Twitter.

Another option is to use hashtag research tools like Hashtagify or RiteTag. These tools can help you identify popular and relevant hashtags for your genre and style, as well as give you insights into how often those hashtags are used.

How many hashtags should I use on each post?

When it comes to using hashtags on social media, less is often more. While it can be tempting to use as many hashtags as possible to reach a broader audience, using too many hashtags can actually hurt your performance.

Most social media platforms have a limit on how many hashtags you can use per post, typically around 30. However, research has shown that using between 5 and 10 hashtags per post is often the sweet spot for engagement.

When selecting hashtags for your post, be sure to choose ones that are relevant and specific to your content. Avoid using generic or overly broad hashtags that won’t help your post stand out.

How can I track the performance of my hashtags?

If you want to improve your social media strategy, you need to keep track of how well your hashtags perform. One way to track the performance of your hashtags is to use social media analytics tools like Hootsuite or Sprout Social. These tools can give you insights into which hashtags are driving the most engagement, as well as which ones might be underperforming.

By using these hashtags, music artists and bands can increase the visibility of their content and connect with potential fans on social media.

It’s important to note that it’s always good to use location-based hashtags for music artists and bands. It helps you to connect with the local audience and increase your visibility in the area you are based.

It’s essential to use hashtags specific to your genre of music, as you’ll connect with fans that are most likely to be interested in your music.

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